Minor Update

MitoMiner has had a minor update to correct an error in the MitoMiner Reference Set and to apply various bug fixes and tweaks to the underlying InterMine code. If you have any problems or questions about this release please contact us at MitoMiner [at] mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk

DOWNTIME: Monday 17th December 2012

MitoMiner will be unavailable on Monday 17th December 2012 to correct an error in the MitoMiner Reference Set and to apply various bug fixes in the underlying InterMine code. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

MitoMiner Version 2.1 Released!

We are pleased to announce that version 2.1 of MitoMiner is now available. Please update your bookmarks. The new version uses the latest InterMine software (1.1), which brings many improvements to the user interface. In addition we have rewritten all the template queries and data source pages to make them easier to use and we have fixed numerous bugs in the data found in the last version. If you have any questions, problems, bug reports or general feedback about the new release please contact us as MitoMiner [at] mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk .


Users of Version 2.0

The new version of MitoMiner uses a new database structure. This was unavoidable and unfortunately means that we are unable to transfer user accounts from the previous version. Therefore existing users will have to set up a new account in v2.1. If you have any queries that you have built in the last version that you would like to use in this new version please contact us. We will be happy to convert them to be compatible with the new database structure.

Minor upgrade

MitoMiner now includes a new dataset from human muscle tissue (PMID: 21360670). Furthermore we have fixed several minor bugs, and would like to thank everyone who provided feedback on these.

DOWNTIME: 18th December

MitoMiner will be shut down from 8:30PM on the 18th of December due to power maintenance. The webservice should be active again by noon on Monday.


Version 2.0 uses a new database structure that is easier to navigate in the query builder and improves query performance. Unfortunately this means we are unable to transfer user accounts from the previous version. Therefore existing users will have to set up a new account in v2.0. If you have any queries that you have built in the last version that you would like to use in this new version please contact us (MitoMiner AT mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk). We will be happy to convert them to be compatible with the new database structure.

MitoMiner Release 2.0

The long awaited version 2.0 of MitoMiner is now live. Along with improvements to the user interface, we have new organisms, new datasets and new queries. Data (including mass spec datasets) has now been added for the following organisms: Arabidopsis thalianaNeurospora crassaTetrahymena thermophila and Giardia lamblia. For more details on the data included in MitoMiner please see the about page. New tutorials will be available soon. MitoMiner data can now be directly queried via Perl, Python, and Java API’s. Further details and instructions can be found on the home page and API tab. If you have any questions, problems, bug reports or general feedback about the new release please contact us as MitoMiner [at] mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk . 


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